The light, the colours and Van Gogh’s atmosphere come alive magically, like in a shadow game of mirrors, through Ida Parigi reproductions.
It wouldn’t be fair calling them just copies as they are usually considered very impersonal and fake…but the artist here really identifies herself in the original ones, taking inspiration from them. It is just like she is gently touching them to “steal” their depth, density and the most hidden secrets in order to get the real identity of the portrait.
Thank to a somehow magic alchemy, Ida easy developes tecniques and feelings, maybe due to a real “twin spirituality” with Van Gogh himself, which came out suddently years ago starrting like a game.. Then the game evolved becoming more and more selfconscious but without losing that beautiful sense of amazement and spontaneity which is usually the result of true passion.
It is still clearly evident when Ida talks about it and about the way everything first started, a way to support her natural gift.Van Gogh and Ida met during her effort to face the genius in a stimulating comparison as a reproduction is like a duel between the perfection of a masterpiece and the deep passion and desire of “recreating” it, studying its colours, shades tone through the artist personality. This is the reason why masterpieces reproduction gives birth to real artists who are masters in the art of reproduction itself.